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(Revision of SnowDrops/Horror)

The log cabins interior swayed and warped gruesomely in vision as the furniture, and disorganised objects that had been scattered about the room, seemed to excruciate as they attempted to release themselves from the unseen bonds that had held them captive. The violent and disconcerting bellows that followed the relentless winds sweeping a seemingly endless supply of bitter white snow against the cabins rugged exterior provided a deep and hollow sound that complimented the nauseating rhythm of the furniture’s sway, albeit being a torturous compliment at that.

A heavy thumping sounded continuously within the inner chambers of my mind, as sweat ran from the pours in my skin in a frantic attempt to escape the fever that had taken control of my already weakened body. I lay on the single metal framed bed that sat parallel to the fading remains of the embers that glowed weakly in a large open fireplace. I fought with myself for the minor sensations of warmth I sought so desperately to delve within, hunched over, my skin remained the only source of heat, becoming hot to the touch in the blackness otherwise void of warmth.

Outside, perched on one of the large branches of the pine trees that surrounded the cabin, was two sleek figures that seemed to remain perfectly still despite the powerful winds that blew about them. Their coats mirrored the white of the snow that twisted into a gallery of unknown faces, the grimly oiled appearance of the figures seemed to seep into these tortured souls on either side. Their eyes were that of crystal blue, staring intensely through the snowy screen and into the cabins interior through a fogged over four pane window. They knew the cries were to follow.

Crying out into the empty room, my screams transformed into the haunting faces of those that encircled outside. Tears fell freely across my face, fleeing along with the little remaining light that diminished with the extinguishment of the fires embers. The world creaked, then howled and warped as it pushed in upon itself until, once delirious from the disorientation and fever, a sudden smash was heard that was so ear piercing that it carried the potential of retrieving a moment’s sanity if it wasn’t for the turbulent winds that now encircled the cabins interior. The haunting faces appeared to lay down a cold blanket of white snow upon the furniture and disorganised objects that had been scattered about the room. I wanted to retreat.

The wind clawed at my bare face and tore away at the fabrics that lay over my shivering carcass. The colours of the wind blinded me, the punishing glares of white carried the intensity of the blues, encompassed me as they rapidly moved around in a flurry , back and forth they forced me back into myself, pursuing ever closer when retreat was sought.

After awhile, a deep and necessary slumber began to fall over me, holding me close as it guided me away from the grotesque spectacle that the cabin walls had managed to produce within. The sharpness of the wind continued to claw at my body, but it no longer felt like my own, as numbness had granted a moments solace from the pain. It became silent and peaceful, and my strength became both nonexistent and endless simultaneously as I opened my eyes and peered around the room, that moments ago portrayed a scene of both perfect horror and grotesque barbarism.

This time everything appeared as normal, the furniture and disorganised objects remained scattered where I had left them whilst I was starting the fire moments earlier. However, as my vision passed across the four pane window that peered out into the world unseen, my mind seemed to deceive me as two pairs of crystal blue spheres seemed to float still, and grotesquely vivid, out in the midst of a snowstorm that was beginning to pick up intensity.

The image remained momentarily at the back of my eyelids seeming to follow me into the safety of myself. A shudder fell over me, and as I placed my wrist upon my forehead I discovered that my skin was hot to the touch and I knew that soon I would befall to illness.

I stammered over to the bed that I had laid upon a million times before and covered myself in the frayed woollen blankets, thinking back to the final words that the sinister creatures had once said to me.

“You will never leave here”

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